Welcome to Tsinghua
The Tsinghua Mathcamp is a summer camp for mathematically talented and strongly motivated secondary school students from all across China. This year,a highly selected group of students will be invited to join a four-week rigorous program to explore the art of creative problem solving with mathematical masters.The Mathcamp will also offer a range of opportunities for students to work on research projects through collaborative discoveries guided by their coaches and teachers. Camp activities are geared towards sparking creativity in students rather than facts gathering. The 2015 camp will be primarily sponsored by the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Tsinghua University,and the Tsinghua Mathematical Sciences Center.
Math Camp Plan

Schedule: Program schedule could be found HERE.
Time: the 4-week camp runs during July 19 – August 14,2015.
Camper Selection criteria: we want to select 50-60 of the best students, aged 15-17, based on a combination of exam grades and school recommendations.
Camp activities: this will be dual-track summer camp with pure and applied math courses running in parallel everyday, five days a week, for four weeks; each student attends three 90-minute classes per day in either track. In addition, we have a 3-hour (with breaks in between) discussion session in small groups led by coaches who are advanced undergraduate or graduate students; homework will be assigned, graded, and discussed on a regular basis; students will also be working on research projects throughout the camp period. On the last day of the camp, students will have an opportunity to present their research findings. We also plan to invite world renowned mathematicians to give guest lectures or colloquiums during the camp. All classes and discussions will be conducted in English.
Topics: the pure math component will cover topics in (1) linear algebra & Galois theory, (2) number theory, (3) topology & analysis; the applied math component includes topics in (4) computer science, (5) statistics, (6) physics & astronomy.