Erik Carlsson University of California at Davis
Erik Carlsson received his PhD in Mathematics from Princeton University in 2008. He has just completed his postdoctoral fellowship at Harvard’s Center of Mathematical Sciences, and is now an Assistant Professor at the Department of Mathematics at the University of California at Davis, https://www.math.ucdavis.edu/. Professor Carlsson has a broad range of research interests, including Algebraic Geometry, Representation Theory, and Algebraic Combinatorics. He most recent work was to provide an affirmative answer to the so-called Shuffle Conjecture, http://arxiv.org/abs/1508.06239, a deep and long-standing question in Combinatorics. Along with An Huang, Professor Carlsson will co-teach Algebraic Combinatorics at Mathcamp this summer.
Yanlai Chen 陈焱来 University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth
Yanlai Chen (陈焱来, http://www.faculty.umassd.edu/yanlai.chen/) came to us from the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, where he has been an Assistant Professor in Mathematics since 2010 and will be a tenured Associate Professor in 2016. He received his PhD in Mathematics and MS in computer science from the University of Minnesota Twin Cities in 2007. He was then a postdoctoral Researcher at Brown University for three years, before joining UMass while holding a Visiting Assistant Professorship at Brown. Professor Chen’s research is in Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing. He has made many important contributions in developing, analyzing, and applying numerical algorithms that are crucial to a wide range of problems in computational science. They include problems in model order reduction, computational electromagnetism, data mining, and applications of conservation laws. His work has been supported by research grants, including a National Science Foundation grant, and the UMass President’s office Science and Technology Initiatives grant. Professor Chen will be teaching Computational Mathematics at Mathcamp this summer.
Jie Gao 高杰 Stony Brook University
Jie Gao 高杰 received his PhD in Computer Science from Stanford University in 2004. She was a postdoctoral fellow at the Center for the Mathematics of Information at Caltech in 2004. She has been a faculty member at Stony Brook University since 2005, where she is currently an Associate Professor in Computer Science, http://www3.cs.stonybrook.edu/~jgao/. Professor Gao has a wide range of research interests, including the Theory of Algorithms, Networking, and Computational Geometry, http://www3.cs.stonybrook.edu/~jgao/paper/jie_rs_11.pdf. She has been a prolific researchers in these important areas of Computer Science, where she has well over 100 publications. In recognition for her numerous important research contributions, she has received a number of prestigious awards, including the National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Award in 2006, http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=0643687, and the CS Department Research Excellence Award in 2012. Professor Gao will be our Lecturer in Computer Science at Mathcamp this summer.
Paul Horn 保罗·霍恩 Denver University
Paul Horn 保罗·霍恩 came to us from Denver University, where he currently holds an Assistant Professorship in Mathematics, http://cs.du.edu/~paulhorn/. He received his PhD in Mathematics from the University of California at San Diego in 2009. He was a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard, before joining the DU faculty in 2013. His research interests center in two areas: Spectral Graph Theory and Probabalistic Combinatorics, where he applies ideas from these areas in problems arising in the study of complex networks and extremal graph problems. He has also published extensively on topics ranging from random graphs, to tiling problems, to social networks problems. Professor Horn will be teaching Probability Theory and Statistics at Mathcamp this summer.
An Huang 黄岸 Brandeis University
An Huang 黄岸 was a native of Hunan. He received his PhD in Mathematics from the University of California at Berkeley in 2011. He had been a postdoctoral fellow for the last five years at the Harvard University Mathematics Department. He has recently joined the faculty at Brandeis University as an Assistant Professor in Mathematics, http://www.brandeis.edu/departments/mathematics/. Professor Huang’s research spans many branches of Mathematics, including Algebraic Geometry, Number Theory, Graph Theory, not to mention Physics. His work in recent years focused on the interplay between Algebraic Geometry, the Theory of Special Functions and Mirror Symmetry, and he has helped settle many deep problems in Mirror Symmetry and Physics using techniques from Geometric Representation Theory, http://www.math.harvard.edu/~anhuang/. He is also an avid player of GO, where it has been rumored that he has yet to meet his match in this highly complex board game. Professor Huang will be co-teaching Algebraic Combinatorics with Professor Carlsson at Mathcamp this summer.
Siu-Cheong Lau 刘绍昌 Boston University
Siu-Cheong Lau 刘绍昌 came to us from the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Boston University, where he is currently an Assistant Professor, http://math.bu.edu/people/lau/Lau/My_geometry_life.html. He received his PhD in Mathematics at the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2012. He then held a prestigious Benjamin Pierce Lecturership at Harvard University for the next three years. Professor Lau’s main research interest lies in Complex Algebraic Geometry and Symplectic Geometry, and also their close relationships with Physics. He has written extensively in the area of Mirror Symmetry – currently an exciting area in String Mathematics – and has helped made important advances toward the study of the celebrated Homological and SYZ Mirror Symmetry Conjectures. He was awarded a prestigious New World Mathematics Award Gold Prize at the Sixth International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians in 2013, for his important work in his doctoral thesis. Professor Lau will lecture in Analysis and Topology this summer at Mathcamp.
Bong Lian 连文豪 Brandeis University
Bong Lian 连文豪 is a Professor at Brandeis University in Boston, Massachusetts. He received his PhD in Physics from Yale University in 1991. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Toronto, and later at Harvard University. He joined the Brandeis Mathematics faculty in 1995, and has remained there since. Professor Lian’s research is at the interface between Mathematics and Physics, and has been interested in questions about the geometry of a class of spaces known as Calabi-Yau manifolds. His research interests also include representation theory and string theory. Professor Lian was awarded a John Simon Guggenheim Research Fellowship in 2003 http://www.gf.org/fellows/all-fellows, and he received a Chern Prize at the 2013 International Congress of Chinese Mathematician in Taipei, “for exceptional contributions to mathematical research or to public service activities in support of mathematics.” http://iccm.tims.ntu.edu.tw/#@MorningsideAwards. In 2015, he joined eight renowned mathematicians to received a Simons Collaboration Grant on Homological Mirror Symmetry, https://schms.math.berkeley.edu/. In 2014, along with Professor Shing-Tung Yau, Lian co-founded the Tsinghua Mathcamp and has served as its external organizer since its founding. Professor Lian will be teaching Linear Algebra at Mathcamp this summer.
Jiaxin Ding 丁家昕 Stony Brook University
Jiaxin Ding 丁家昕 is PhD student at Stony Brook University. He is studying under the supervision of Professor Jie Gao in Computer Science. His research focuses on mining, representation and privacy protection of spatial data with applications in computational geometry, topology and streaming algorithms. He thinks of Mathematics as the root of his research while application in computer science is the fruit – Mathematics tells him why and Computer Science teaches him how. Jiaxin will be a coach in Computer Science this summer.
Jinzhi Huang 黄金枝 Tsinghua University
Jinzhi Huang 黄金枝 is pursuing a doctorate degree in Computational Mathematics at Tsinghua. She is studying computations of something called “generalized singular value decomposition”. She expects to continue working in this direction in the foreseeable future. Jinzhi will be coaching in Computational Mathematics this summer.
Duncan Levear Brandeis University
Duncan Levear is a PhD student at Brandeis University. Hs favorite branches of mathematics are abstract algebra and combinatorics. He will be starting his second year in the Fall. At the Tsinghua Mathcamp he will be a Coach in Algebraic Combinatorics. You can find out more about Duncan at http://people.brandeis.edu/~dlevear/.
Hongshan Li 李洪姗 Tsinghua University
Hongshan Li 李洪姗 is current a PhD candidate in Computer Science at Tsinghua. She is working on research in mathematical modeling. Hongshan will be coaching in Computer Science at Mathcamp.
Yiting Li 李一霆 Brandeis University
Yiting Li 李一霆 is a PhD student in Mathematics at Brandeis University. His research interests include the theories of random matrix and random planar map. He would like to work pursue postdoctoral research after graduation. This summer Yiting will be coaching at Mathcamp in Analysis and Topology.
Senping Luo 罗森平 Tsinghua University
Senping Luo 罗森平 is PhD student in Mathematics at Tsinghua University. He is doing research in Analysis and Partial Differential Equations. He hopes to eventually specialize in PDE theory. After his PhD, he would like to pursue postdoctoral research overseas. Senping will be a Coach in Analysis and Topology this summer.
Adam Purcilly Denver University
Adam Purcilly is pursuing his PhD at the University of Denver in Denver, Colorado, after receiving his MS in Pure Mathematics from the same university recently. His research interests are primarily in graph theory and combinatorics, and he is interested also in many other fields of Mathematics, especially advanced analytics in sports. Adam will be coaching the Probability and Statistics course at Mathcamp this summer.
Yuanlong Song 宋元龙 Tsinghua University
Yuanlong Song 宋元龙 is a graduate student at the Department of Mathematical Sciences in Tsinghua University. His mathematical interest is Number Theory. Yuanlong will be coaching in Algebraic Combinatorics at Mathcamp.
Chenglong Yu 余成龙 Harvard University
Chenglong Yu 余成龙 is currently a third year graduate student at Harvard. He is doing research in Differential Geometry under the supervision of his PhD advisor Professor Shing-Tung Yau. Chenglong would like to pursue a career in academia after his PhD. He will be a Coach in Linear Algebra this summer.
Lishan Yu 余丽珊 Tsinghua University
Lishan Yu 余丽珊 is a PhD candidate at Tsinghua in medical statistics. She plans to continue to further her research in this and related areas. Lishan will be coaching for the Probability and Statistic course at Mathcamp this summer.
Bingyu Zhao 赵冰玉 Brown University
Bingyu Zhao 赵冰玉 is a PhD candidate at the Division of Applied Mathematics at Brown University. She is conducting on her dissertation work under the supervision of Professor Chi-Wang Shu. Her research is on numerical solutions of conservation laws, especially finite element discontinuous Galerkin methods. She will be coaching in Computational Mathematics this summer.
Xin Zhao 赵鑫 Tsinghua University
Xin Zhao 赵鑫 is a PhD candidate at the Yau Mathematical Sciences Center at Tsinghua University. She is working on her dissertation research in Bioinformatics under the supervision of Professor Stephen Yau. Xin will serve as a Mathcamp Coach in Linear Algebra this summer.