Paul Horn 保罗·霍恩 Denver University
Paul Horn 保罗·霍恩 came to us from the University of Denver, where he currently holds an Assistant Professorship in Mathematics, http://cs.du.edu/~paulhorn/. He received his PhD in Mathematics from the University of California at San Diego in 2009. He was a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard, before joining the DU faculty in 2013. His research interests center in two areas: Spectral Graph Theory and Probabalistic Combinatorics, where he applies ideas from these areas in problems arising in the study of complex networks and extremal graph problems. He has also published extensively on topics ranging from random graphs, to tiling problems, to social networks problems. Professor Horn will be teaching Probability Theory and Statistics at Mathcamp this summer.
Xiaozhe Hu 胡潇喆 Tufts University
Xiaozhe Hu 胡潇喆 is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics at Tufts Universityhttp://math.tufts.edu/people/facultyHu.htm. He received his Ph.D in Computational Mathematics from Zhejiang University in 2009. He conducted a year of postdoctoral research at the Beijing International Center of Mathematical Research and became a postdoctoral fellow at Pennsylvania State University in 2010. He later held a position of Research Assistant Professor at Penn State before joining Tufts in 2014. Professor Hu’s primary research interests are in numerical analysis and scientific computing, with an emphasis on the development, analysis, and implementation of numerical algorithms for solving partial differential equations and graph problems arising from different applications, such as multiphase flow in porous media, magnetohydrodynamics, bioinformatics, and machine learning. His algorithms have been used by commercial companies such as NVIDIA, China National Offshore Oil Company, and Petro-China. In 2016, his work received the Riemann-Liouville Award at the International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and Its Applications, and he was a plenary speaker at the twenty-fourth International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods in 2017. His research has been supported by the U.S. Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation. Professor Hu will be teaching Computational Mathematics at Mathcamp this summer.
An Huang 黄岸 Brandeis University
An Huang 黄岸 received his PhD in Mathematics from the University of California at Berkeley in 2011. He had been a postdoctoral fellow at the Harvard University Mathematics Department, and has recently joined Brandeis University as an Assistant Professor in Mathematics http://www.brandeis.edu/departments/mathematics/. His research spans many branches of mathematics, including Algebraic Geometry, Number Theory, Graph Theory, not to mention Physics. His work in recent years focused on the interplay between Algebraic Geometry, the theory of Special Functions and Mirror Symmetry, and he has helped settle many important problems in Mirror Symmetry and Physics using techniques from Geometric Representation Theory, http://people.brandeis.edu/~anhuang/. He was a native of Hubei and he is an avid player of the Chinese ancient board game GO. Professor Huang will be teaching Algebraic Combinatorics at Mathcamp this summer.
Shitao Liu 刘士涛 Clemson University
Shitao Liu 刘士涛 is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Clemson University https://www.clemson.edu/science/departments/mathematical-sciences/. Before joining Clemson in 2013, he was a postdoctoral researcher for two years in the Inverse Problems Research Group of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Helsinki. Shitao completed his Ph.D. degree in Mathematics at the University of Virginia in 2011 and B.S. degree in Mathematics at Nankai University in 2006. Shitao’s main research interests are in the field of inverse problems and control theory for partial differential equations and their applications, particularly in solving inverse hyperbolic type problems by using control theory. He also has broader interests in analysis and applied mathematics in general such as harmonic analysis and dynamical systems. Professor Liu will be teaching Applied Analysis at Mathcamp.
David Pollack Wesleyan University
David Pollack is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Wesleyan University in Connecticut http://dpollack.web.wesleyan.edu/. He received his Ph.D. in Number Theory from Harvard University in 1998. Professor Pollack research area is algebraic number theory. He has made many important contributions in the theory of automorphic forms and representation theory. He will be teaching Number Theory I and II for us this summer.
Ting Zhou 周婷 Northeastern University
Ting Zhou 周婷 received her PhD in Mathematics from University of Washington. She was a CLE Moore Instructor at MIT for three years before joining Northeastern University as a tenure-track associate professor in 2014 http://www.northeastern.edu/tzhou/. Her research focuses on applications of PDE theory and analysis on inverse problems, which arise in various medical imaging methods (e.g., CT scan, photoacoustics) and geophysical prospection (e.g., seismic imaging). One interesting topic in this subject is how to mathematically construct an invisible cloaking device. In light of the fast development of metamaterials, there have been many successful experiments realizing the idea. Professor Zhou will be teaching Analysis and Topology for us this summer, and she will tell you how to turn the magical Harry Potter’s cloak into reality!
Bong Lian 连文豪 Brandeis University
Bong Lian 连文豪 is a Professor at Brandeis University in Boston, Massachusetts. He received his PhD in Physics from Yale University in 1991. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Toronto, and later at Harvard University. He joined the Brandeis Mathematics Department in 1995, and has remained on their faculty since. Professor Lian's research is at the interface between Mathematics and Physics, and has been interested in questions about the geometry of a class of spaces known as Calabi-Yau manifolds. His research interests also include representation theory and string theory. Professor Lian was awarded a John Simon Guggenheim Research Fellowship in 2003 http://www.gf.org/fellows/all-fellows, and he received a Chern Prize at the 2013 International Congress of Chinese Mathematician in Taipei, "for exceptional contributions to mathematical research or to public service activities in support of mathematics." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chern_Prize_(ICCM), http://iccm.tims.ntu.edu.tw/#@MorningsideAwards. In 2015, he joined eight renowned mathematicians to received a Simons Collaboration Grant on Homological Mirror Symmetry, https://schms.math.berkeley.edu/. In 2014, along with Professor Shing-Tung Yau, Lian co-founded the Tsinghua Mathcamp and has served as its external organizer since its founding. Professor Lian will be teaching Linear Algebra I and II at Mathcamp this summer.
Ruotian Gao 高若田 Tsinghua University
Ruotian Gao 高若田 is a graduate student in Mathematics at Tsinghua University. She does research on robust sensitivity analysis in linear programming. She expects to continue working in the theory of optimization. Ruotian will be coaching for Linear Algebra I with me this summer.
Huiya He 贺汇雅 Tsinghua University
Huiya He 贺汇雅 is a PhD candidate at Tsinghua in Differential Geometry. She plans to continue to further her research in this and related areas. Huiya will be coaching for the Linear algebra II course at Mathcamp with me.
Gavin St. John University of Denver
Gavin St. John is a fourth year PhD candidate at the University of Denver under the supervision of Professor Nikolaos Galatos. His primary interests are mathematical logic and nonclassical logics. Specifically, his research focuses on algebraic/substructural logics, ordered algebraic structures, and computability/complexity theory. Gavin will be coaching for Probability and Statistics in Professor Horn's class.
Yiting Li 李一霆 Brandeis University
Yiting Li 李一霆 has just received his PhD in Mathematics from Brandeis University, and will be pursuing his postdoctoral research in Switzerland comes this fall. His research interests include the theories of random matrices and random planar maps. He was recently awarded the Jerome Levine Dissertation Memorial Prize from Brandeis. This summer Yiting will be coaching at Mathcamp for Applied Analysis with Professor Shitao Liu.
Zhenkun Li 李振坤 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Zhenkun Li 李振坤 is currently a second year PhD candidate in Mathematics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His research interest is low dimensional topology. He will be assisting Professor Pollack as a Mathcamp Coach in Number Theory I.
Lina Wu 武丽娜 Tsinghua University
Lina Wu 武丽娜 is a PhD student in Mathematics at Tsinghua. She is doing research in Analysis and the theory of Partial Differential Equations and expects to continue working in this direction in the foreseeable future. She will be a Coach in Analysis and Topology with Professor Ting Zhou.
Yang (Young) Liu 刘杨 Tsinghua University
Yang (Young) Liu 刘杨 is pursuing a doctorate degree in Probability & Statistics at Tsinghua. His research interests include stochastic control and financial mathematics, especially focusing on Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equations. He is now a teaching assistant in Mathematical Analysis. He will serve as a Mathcamp Coach in Applied Analysis with Professor Shitao Liu.
Zhe Liu 刘喆 Tsinghua University
Zhe Liu 刘喆 is a PhD candidate in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Tsinghua. She is working on theoretical and applied problems in Statistics. She will serve as a Mathcamp Coach in Probability and Statistics with Professor Horn.
Anurag Rao Brandeis University
Anurag Rao is a PhD student in mathematics at Brandeis University. His research interests lie in the broad field of complex algebraic geometry, and he is currently working on his dissertation with me. This summer he will be coaching for Linear Algebra II.
Yuanlong Song 宋元龙 Tsinghua University
Yuanlong Song 宋元龙 is a graduate student in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Tsinghua. His mathematical interest is Number Theory. Yuanlong will be coaching for Number Theory I with Professor David Pollack this summer. This will be his third year serving as a Mathcamp Coach.
Weifeng Sun 孙巍峰 Harvard University
Weifeng Sun 孙巍峰 is currently a first year graduate student at Harvard. He is interested in differential geometry and topology. He will working with Professor Ting as a Mathcamp Coach in Analysis and Topology.
Jue Wang 王珏 Tufts University
Jue Wang 王珏 is a mathematics PhD candidate at Tufts University. He proposes doing research in Harmonic Analysis and related topics. At the summer camp, he will be coaching for Computational Mathematics with Professor Xiaozhe Hu.
Wang Kong 孔旺 Tsinghua University
Wang Kong 孔旺 is a PhD student in the Department of Mathematical Sciences in Tsinghua. His research interests include the numerical solutions to partial differential equations. He'll also be coaching for Computational Mathematics in Professor Hu's class.
Siyao Yin 殷思瑶 Tsinghua University
Siyao Yin 殷思瑶 is a PhD student in Mathematics at Tsinghua University. Her research interests are Geometry and Mathematical Physics, especially Mirror Symmetry. She plans to pursue a career in academia after her PhD. Siyao will be a coach in Algebraic Combinatorics with Professor An Huang.
Chenglong Yu 余成龙 Harvard University
Chenglong Yu 余成龙 will be a fifth year graduate student at Harvard university. He is working on his dissertation with Professor Shing-Tung Yau and is doing research on the geometry of Calabi-Yau varieties. He is also working with Professor Huang and myself on a number of research projects. He will be coaching for Linear Algebra I.
Yichi Zhang 张一驰 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Yichi Zhang 张一驰 is a PhD student in Mathematics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He did his undergraduate at Imperial College in London, and a Masters at University of Cambridge, both as a math major. He would like to do research in the areas of algebra, algebraic topology, or algebraic geometry. He will be coaching for Algebraic Combinatorics with Professor Huang.
Zijun Zhou 周子浚 Columbia University
Zijun Zhou 周子浚 recently obtained his PhD degree from Columbia University and will be a postdoc at Stanford University. His mathematical research interest focuses on mathematical physics, and the related topics in algebraic geometry and representation theory. He will be assisting Professor Pollack as a Mathcamp Coach in Number Theory II this summer.
Yunpeng Zi 自云鹏 Tsinghua University
Yunpeng Zi 自云鹏 is currently a PhD candidate in Mathematics at Tsinghua. He is working in Algebraic Geometry. Yunpeng will be coaching for Number Theory II with Professor Pollack as well.