Aditya Karnataki Peking University
Aditya Karnataki is a Post-Doctoral Fellow at Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research, Peking University. He received his PhD in Mathematics from Boston University in 2016. He has been interested in number theory and arithmetic geometry, specifically automorphic forms and their congruences, Shimura varieties, p-adic Hodge theory. His research interests also include analytic number theory. Dr. Karnataki will be teaching number theory at Mathcamp this summer.
An Huang 黄岸 Brandeis University
An Huang 黄岸 received his PhD in Mathematics from the University of California at Berkeley in 2011. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the Harvard University Mathematics Department, and joined Brandeis University as an Assistant Professor in Mathematics in 2016 http://www.brandeis.edu/departments/mathematics/ . His research spans many branches of mathematics, including Algebraic Geometry, Number Theory, Graph Theory, not to mention Physics. His work in recent years focused on the interplay between Algebraic Geometry, the theory of Special Functions and Mirror Symmetry, and he has helped settle many important problems in Mirror Symmetry and Physics using techniques from Geometric Representation Theory, http://people.brandeis.edu/~anhuang/ . He was a native of Hubei and he is an avid player of the Chinese ancient board game GO. Professor Huang will be teaching Algebraic Combinatorics I at Mathcamp this summer.
Bong Lian 连文豪 Brandeis University
Bong Lian 连文豪 is a Professor at Brandeis University in Boston, Massachusetts. He received his PhD in Physics from Yale University in 1991. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Toronto, and later at Harvard University. He joined the Brandeis Mathematics Department in 1995, and has remained on their faculty since. Professor Lian’s research is at the interface between Mathematics and Physics, and has been interested in questions about the geometry of a class of spaces known as Calabi-Yau manifolds. His research interests also include representation theory and string theory. Professor Lian was awarded a John Simon Guggenheim Research Fellowship in 2003 http://www.gf.org/fellows/all-fellows, and he received a Chern Prize at the 2013 International Congress of Chinese Mathematician in Taipei, ”for exceptional contributions to mathematical research or to public service activities in support of mathematics. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Chern_Prize_(ICCM), http://iccm.tims.ntu.edu.tw/#@MorningsideAwards In 2015, he joined eight renowned mathematicians to received a Simons Collaboration Grant on Homological Mirror Symmetry, https://schms.math.berkeley.edu/. In 2014, along with Professor Shing-Tung Yau, Lian cofounded the Tsinghua Mathcamp and has served as its external organizer since its founding. Professor Lian will be teaching Linear Algebra I and II at this Mathcamp.
Chenglong Yu 余成龙 University of Pennsylvania
Chenglong Yu 余成龙 is a Hans Rademacher Instructor of Mathematics at University of Pennsylvania. He received his PhD in Mathematics from Harvard University last year. His research interests focus on the geometry and arithmetic properties of Calabi-Yau varieties, especially differential systems arising from Calabi-Yau families, and also the moduli of K3 surfaces and cubic fourfolds. Dr. Yu has participated in Mathcamp as a Coach, Head Coach, and Lecturer in past years. He will be teaching Algebraic Combinatorics II this summer at Mathcamp.
David Rohrlich Boston University
Professor Rohrlich earned his PhD at Yale in 1976 under the supervision of Serge Lang, and subsequently he did postdoctoral work at Harvard. He is currently a Professor of Mathematics at Boston University. His research area is number theory, and for many years he worked on problems related to L-functions of elliptic curves. However for the past six years his primary focus has been the arithmetic statistics of Artin representations.
Nikolay Moshchevitin Moscow Lomonosov State University
Professor Nikolay Moshchevitin received his Ph.D. in 1994 from Moscow State University in Russia. In 2003 he got Doctor of Science degree. Now he works in Moscow (Russia) and has many contacts all over the world. Since 2011 he is one of the managing editors of the Moscow Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory. He works mostly in Diophantine Approximation, Geometry of Numbers and related topics. Among his students there are such known mathematicians as Andrew Raigorodskii, Oleg German and Ilya Shkredov. He solved several well-known problems, in particular he solved Wolfgang Schmidt's problems on the behavior of successive minima of a one-parameter family of lattices and constructed a counter-example to another Schmidt's problem related to approximation with positive integers. He will be teaching an introductory course in Diophantine Approximation.
Chengyang Shao 邵城阳 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Chengyang Shao 邵城阳 is a PhD candidate in mathematics at MIT. His research interest includes harmonic analysis, partial differential equations,especially evolutioanry equations arising from physical and geometric backgrounds.
Feng Gui 桂枫 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Feng Gui 桂枫 graduated from Duke University last year, and is currently a first year graduate student at MIT. He is interested in geometric analysis and partial differential equations. He wil be coaching for Analysis and Topology at Mathcamp this summer.
Kai Huang 黄开 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Kai Huang 黄开 graduated from Peking University in 2017. Now he is a PhD student in MIT. He is interested in algebraic geometry, especially birational geometry and K-stability. He is very happy to participate the summer camp, and to meet the best high school students and help them learn the basics of modern mathematics.
Rui Chen 陈锐 Tsinghua University
Rui Chen 陈锐 is a PhD student in Mathematics at Tsinghua University. His research interest is Algebraic Geometry. He will be a Mathcamp Coach in Number Theory.
Shengwen Gan 甘盛文 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Shengwen Gan 甘盛文 graduated from Tsinghua University last year. He is a PhD candidate in mathematics at MIT. He is interested in harmonic analysis and partial differential equations.
Shuang Song 宋爽 Tsinghua University
Shuang Song 宋爽 will graduate from Department of Mathematical Sciences in Tsinghua University with a Bachelor's degree this year, and will be a PhD student at Center for Statistical Science in Tsinghua. Her research interests include statistics, genetics and risk prediction. She is also a Mathcamp alumnus, who participated in the 2014 Yau Tsinghua Mathcamp. Shuang is returning to Mathcamp as Coach for Linear Algebra 2.
Siyao Yin 殷思瑶 Tsinghua University
Siyao Yin 殷思瑶 is a PhD candidate in Mathematics at Tsinghua University. Her research interests are in Geometry and Mathematical Physics. Siyao will be coaching for Algebraic Combinatorics 2 at Mathcamp this summer.
Yuhao Xue 薛宇皓 Tsinghua University
Yuhao Xue 薛宇皓 is a PhD candidate in mathematics at Tsinghua university. His research interest is Teichmuller thoery. He will be coaching for Analysis and Topology at Mathcamp.
Yu-Wei Fan 范佑维 Harvard University
Yu-Wei Fan 范佑维 has recently received his PhD from Harvard University. He will be a Morrey Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics at UC Berkeley in the fall. His research focuses on algebraic geometry and symplectic geometry. He will be the Mathcamp Head Coach, and coaching for Analysis and Topology at the same time this summer.
Zehao Long 龙泽昊 Tsinghua University
Zehao Long 龙泽昊 is a PhD candidate in Mathematics at Tsinghua. His recent research concentrates on eddy currents model and detection of small induction. He will be coaching for Algebraic Combinatorics 1 this summer
Zhenting Luan 栾振庭 Tsinghua University
Zhenting Luan 栾振庭 is a PhD student in Mathematics at Tsinghua University. He majors in operation research. He will be coaching for Linear Algebra 1 at Mathcamp this summer.
Zhiyu Zhang 张志宇 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Zhiyu Zhang 张志宇 is a PhD candidate in mathematics at MIT. He is interested in number theory and algebraic geometry. He will be coaching for Number Theory this summer.