Bong Lian 连文豪 Brandeis University
Bong Lian 连文豪 is a Professor at Brandeis University in Boston, Massachusetts. He received his PhD in Physics from Yale University in 1991. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Toronto, and later at Harvard University. He joined the Brandeis Mathematics Department in 1995, and has remained on their faculty since. Professor Lian’s research is at the interface between Mathematics and Physics, and has been interested in questions about the geometry of a class of spaces known as Calabi-Yau manifolds. His research interests also include representation theory and string theory. Professor Lian was awarded a John Simon Guggenheim Research Fellowship in 2003 http://www.gf.org/fellows/all-fellows, and he received a Chern Prize at the 2013 International Congress of Chinese Mathematician in Taipei, ”for exceptional contributions to mathematical research or to public service activities in support of mathematics. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Chern_Prize_(ICCM), http://iccm.tims.ntu.edu.tw/#@MorningsideAwards In 2015, he joined eight renowned mathematicians to received a Simons Collaboration Grant on Homological Mirror Symmetry, https://schms.math.berkeley.edu/. In 2014, along with Professor Shing-Tung Yau, Lian cofounded the Tsinghua Mathcamp and has served as its external organizer since its founding. Professor Lian will be teaching Linear Algebra I and II at this Mathcamp.
Cezar Lupu Yanqi Lake Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (BIMSA)
Cezar Lupu is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Yanqi Lake Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (BIMSA) under the mentorship of Professor Shing-Tung Yau. Also, he teaches courses at the Quizhen College, Tsinghua University. Between 2018-2021, he held a postdoctoral appointment at Texas Tech University, USA. He graduated with a PhD thesis from the University of Pittsburgh in 2018. His research includes analysis, number theory and special functions with an emphasis on Riemann zeta and multiple zeta functions and their special values. This Summer, Cezar will teach a course in Combinatorics at Mathcamp.
Mao Sheng (盛茂) University of Science and Technology of China
Mao Sheng 盛茂 is currently a Professor at the University of Science and Technology of China (going to join Tsinghua University in September). He received his Ph.D degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2016 under supervision of Professor Shing-Tung Yau, and subsequently did his postdoctoral work at the University of Mainz in collabration with Professor Kang Zuo. His research field is Algebraic Geometry, specializing in Hodge theory, p-adic Hodge theory and their applications in geometry and arithmetic. Together with his collabrators, he disproved the Dolgachev's conjecture on modularity of moduli spaces of Calabi-Yau manifolds arising from hyperplane arrangements in projective spaces; he proved a conjecture of C. Voisin on the zero cycles of hypersurfaces in projective spaces; he solved an open problem of L. Illusie in Hodge theory over positive characteristic; he proposed the periodic de Rham/Higgs conjecture which characterizes motivicity via periodicity. His current research interest is mathematics and physics over p-adic fields.
Zuoqin Wang (王作勤) University of Science and Technology of China
Zuoqin Wang 王作勤 is a professor at University of Science and Technology of China. He received his PhD in mathematics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2008. He was a J.J.Sylvester assistant professor at Johns Hopkins University, and then a postdoctoral assistant professor at the University of Michigan. He joined University of Science and Technology of China as a professor in 2013. His research area is geometry and analysis, with a focus on spectral geometry and semiclassical microlocal analysis. Professor Wang will be teaching Analysis and Topology at Mathcamp this summer.
Yibo Gao (高奕博) Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Yibo Gao 高奕博 received his PhD in Mathematics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2022 and he will be joining BICMR at Peking University as an assistant professor in 2023. His research focuses on many aspects of algebraic combinatorics, including Coxeter groups, weak and strong Bruhat orders, Schubert calculus, symmetric functions, hyperplane arrangements and so on. Dr.~Gao will be teaching algebraic combinatorics together with Dr.~Huang at Mathcamp this summer.
Daoji Huang (黄道骥) University of Minnesota
Daoji Huang 黄道骥 received her PhD in mathematics from Cornell University in 2020 and is currently a postdoctoral associate at the University of Minnesota. Her research interests include algebraic combinatorics, Schubert calculus, and combinatorial algebraic geometry.
Yangyu Fan Morningside Center of Mathematics
Yangyu Fan recieved his Ph.D. in mathematics from University of Milan at 2018 and is currently a postdoctoral research fellow at Morningside Center of Mathematics. His research includes automorphic representations and Galois representations, with an emphasis on $p$-adic L-functions. This summer, Yangyu will be a coach in Linear Algebra at Mathcamp.
Yujun Jin 靳育君 University of Science and Technology of China
Yujun Jin 靳育君 is currently a graduate student at University of Science and Technology of China, from where he received a Bachelor of Science in mathematics in 2020. His research interests include spectral geometry and semiclassical microlocal analysis. Jin will be a TA for Analysis and Topology at Mathcamp this summer.
Zhuoming Lan 兰倬铭 Tsinghua University
Zhuoming Lan 兰倬铭 is a PhD student of Tsinghua University under the mentorship of Professor Zhengyu Zong. He graduated with a from the Peking University in 2021 with a BS. His research interest includes algebraic geometry, mirror symmetry. This Summer, Zhuoming will be the coach of a course in Linear Algebra at Mathcamp.
Buyan Li Tsinghua University
Buyan Li is a PHD student at Tsinghua University. Her research interests include algebraic representation theory, quantum groups, etc. She is a coach for Linear Algebra II.
Li Fan Tsinghua University
Li Fan is a PHD student at Tsinghua University under the supervision of Professor Yu Qiu. She graduated with her Bachelor's degree from Tsinghua University in 2021. Her research interest focuses on algebraic representation, cluster theory and Calabi-Yau completion. She will be the coach of a course in algebraic combinatorics at Mathcamp this summer.
Xiaojin Lin University of Science and Technology of China
Xiaojin Lin is currently a graduate student under the tutelage of Prof. Mao Sheng at University of Science and Technology of China. His research interests focus on Hodge theory and algebraic geometry. This Summer, Lin will be a coach of the course Analysis and Topology I.
Jianping Wang 汪建平 University of Science and Technology of China
Jianping Wang 汪建平 is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Science and Technology of China. He received his PhD in 2020 from the Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is interested in algebraic geometry, especially vector bundle theory and moduli problems. He will be coaching for Analysis and Topology II at Mathcamp this summer.
Shenxing Zhang 张神星 Hefei University of Technology
Shenxing Zhang 张神星 is an associate professor at Hefei University of Technology. He received his Ph.D degree from the University of Science and Technology of China in 2015. His research field is algebraic number theory, with a focus on the arithmetic of class groups, exponential sums and elliptic curves.
Jiayi Zhao 赵家艺 University of Science and Technology of China
Jiayi Zhao 赵家艺 is an undergraduate student of University of Science and Technology of China. He entered the university in 2018 and had just got his bachelor degree in 2022. His priliminary interest is geometry. Jiayi Zhao will be a coach of the course Analysis and Topology II given by Prof. Wang at Mathcamp.
Zida Xiao 肖子达 Tsinghua University
Zida Xiao 肖子达 is currently a PHD student in Tsinghua University. He received his bachelor degree in University of Science and Technology of China in 2021. His research interests include singularity theory, number theory, etc. He will be a coach in Algebraic Combinatorics during the mathcamp this summer.
Yigang Zheng Tsinghua University
Yigang Zheng, is currently a undergraduate student of Qiuzhen College, Tsinghua University.
Tingyu Zhang 张庭语 Tsinghua University
Tingyu Zhang 张庭语 is an undergraduate student at Qiuzhen College, Tsinghua University. He entered Tsinghua University in 2021. This summer, he will be a coach of the course Algebraic Combinatorics I given by Prof. Cezar.