the point is to discover them.
- Galileo.
An Huang Brandeis University
An Huang is an associate professor of Mathematics at Brandeis University. He received his PhD from the University of California, Berkeley in 2011. He was a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard 2011-2016. His research interests include algebra and mathematical physics. He will be teaching algebraic combinatorics at Mathcamp.
Cezar Lupu Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications
Cezar Lupu is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Yanqi Lake Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (BIMSA) since January 2022 under the world renowned mathematician Shing-Tung Yau. Moreover, he teaches courses at Qiuzhen College, Tsinghua University. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Pittsburgh in 2018. Before moving to China, Cezar held another postdoctoral research and teaching position at Texas Tech University (2018-2021). His research interests include special values of the Riemann zeta and multiple zeta functions. At this mathcamp, Cezar will be teaching a course in Analysis and Number Theory.
Mauricio Romo Yau Mathematical Sciences Center, Tsinghua University
Mauricio Romo is an assistant professor at YMSC, Tsinghua University. He received his PhD at University of California, Santa Barbara in 2012. Before joining Tsinghua, He worked as a postdoctoral researcher at IPMU and IAS, Princeton. His research interests are physical mathematics and string theory. He will be teaching Physics at Mathcamp.
Jilong Tong Capital Normal University
Jilong Tong is a professor of mathematics at Capital Normal University. He received his PhD at University of Paris-11 in 2008. Before joining CNU, He worked as a postdoctoral fellow at Ecole Polytechique and University of Duissburg-Essen, and then as a faculty member at Bordeaux Universty. His research interests is arithmetic geometry. He will be teaching Analysis and Topology II at Mathcamp.
Philip Vetter Institute of Deep-Sea Science and Engineering in Sanya, Hainan
Philip Vetter is an associate researcher in the Mathematical and Computational Science group at the Institute of Deep-Sea Science and Engineering in Sanya, Hainan (CAS). He has degrees in Mathematics, Physics, and Applied Mathematics from Princeton University, University of Michigan and Duke University. His research interests are diverse and he has been involved in cross-disciplinary projects. He will be teaching Number Theory at the Mathcamp.
Zuoqin Wang University of Science and Technology of China
Zuoqin Wang 王作勤 is a professor at University of Science and Technology of China. He received his PhD in mathematics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2008. He was a J.J.Sylvester assistant professor at Johns Hopkins University, and then a postdoctoral assistant professor at the University of Michigan. He joined University of Science and Technology of China as a professor in 2013. His research area is geometry and analysis, with a focus on spectral geometry and semiclassical microlocal analysis. Professor Wang will be teaching Analysis and Topology at Mathcamp this summer.
Jingyue Chen Capital Normal University
Jingyue Chen is a lecturer at Capital Normal University. She received her Ph.D degree from Brandeis University in 2015. Her research field is complex algebraic geometry. She will be coaching for Linear Algebra at Mathcamp.
Zeying Chen University of Science and Technology of China
Zeying Chen is a research fellow at University of Science and Technology of China. She received her PhD degree from University of Melbourne. Her research interest lies in integrable system in mathematical physics. She will be the academic assistant at 2023 Mathcamp.
Xin Geng University of Science and Technology of China
Xin Geng is a graduate student at University of Science and Technology of China. His research interest is mathematical physics. He will be coaching for Physics at Mathcamp.
Yuqin Kewang UChicago
Yuqin Kewang will start pursuing a Ph.D. in Math at UChicago this upcoming fall. Her academic interests lie broadly in the fields of algebra, geometry, and topology. She will coach Algebraic Combinatorics at the Mathcamp.
Muxi Li University of Science and Technology of China
Muxi Li is a specially-appointed associate professor at USTC. He received his Ph.D from Washington University in St. Louis in 2018. His research field is algebraic geometry. He will be coaching for Analysis and Topology I at Mathcamp.
Yulong Li University of Science and Technology of China
Yulong Li is a first-year Ph.D student at University of Science and Technology of China . His research interest is spectral geometry. He will be coaching for Linear Algebra at Mathcamp.
Rebecca Rohrlich Brandeis University
Rebecca Rohrlich is a fourth year Ph.D student at Brandeis University. She is working on her thesis on topics related to algebraic geometry and mirror symmetry. She will be coaching for Algebraic Combinatorics at Mathcamp.
Heng Song Capital Normal University
Heng Song is a three-year Ph.D student at Capital Normal University. His research interest is arithmetic geometry. He will be coaching for Analysis and Topology II at Mathcamp.
Kamryn Spinelli Brandeis University
Kamryn Spinelli is a second year Ph.D. student at Brandeis University. He is working on his thesis on topics related to algebraic geometry and differential equations. He will be coaching for Linear Algebra. He will be arriving Sanya in a few days.
Yuwei Tan Capital Normal University
Yuwei Tan is a second-year master's student at Capital Normal University. His research interest is arithmetic geometry. He will be coaching for Analysis and Topology Ⅱ at Mathcamp.
Teng Wang University of Science and Technology
Teng Wang is a second-year Ph.D student at University of Science and Technology. His research interest is differential geometry. He will be coaching for Number Theory at Mathcamp.
Dongsheng Wu Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications
Dongsheng Wu is a postdoc at Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications. He received his Ph.D degree from the AMSS, CAS in 2021. His research field is number theory. He will be coaching for Analysis and Number Theory.
Han Wu Hubei University
Han Wu is a lecturer at Hubei University. He received his Ph.D degree from University of Science and Technology of China in 2022. His research field is arithmetic algebraic geometry. He will be a teaching assistant for Number Theory at Mathcamp.
Holiverse Yang SUSTech
Holiverse Yang has just graduated and received his master degree from SUSTech. His research interests is mathematical physics. He will be coaching for Physics at Mathcamp.
Hanzhang Yun University of Science and Technology
Hanzhang Yun is a graduate student at University of Science and Technology. His research interest is spectral geometry. He will be coaching for Analysis and Topology I at Mathcamp.
Shenxing Zhang Hefei University of Technology
Shenxing Zhang is an associate professor at Hefei University of Technology. He received his Ph.D degree from the USTC in 2015. His research field is algebraic number theory. He will be coaching for Linear Algebra at Mathcamp.
Tianyu Zhang Ohio State University
Tianyu Zhang is currently an research assistant at SDU. He received his master degree from the Ohio State University in 2022. His research field is functional analysis. He will be coaching for Analysis and Number theory at Mathcamp.
Xiuwu Zhu Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications
Xiuwu Zhu is a postdoc at Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications. He received his Ph.D degree from the AMSS, CAS in 2022. His research field is number theory. He will be coaching for Linear Algebra at Mathcamp.
Shengrong Wang Hainan Normal University
Shengrong Wang is a first-year Ph.D. student from Hainan Normal University. His research interest is harmonic analysis. He will work as a Mathcamp counselor.
Yuming Wei YMSC, Tsinghua University
Yuming Wei is a graduate student at YMSC, Tsinghua University. Her research interests include homogeneous dynamics and Diophantine approximation. She will be a counsellor at the Mathcamp.
Pengying Chen Hainan Normal University
Pengying Chen is a first-year postgraduate student at Hainan Normal University. Her research interests are stochastic differential equations and stochastic control. She will work as a Mathcamp counselor.
Su Jie Tsinghua University
Su Jie is a first-year PhD student at Tsinghua University. Her research interest is fast algorithm for solving PDE.
Shiqi Zhao Hainan Normal University
Shiqi Zhao is a first-year Ph.D student at Hainan Normal University. Her research interests is Lie algebra. She will work as a counselor at this Mathcamp.
Wan Shi Tsinghua University
Wan Shi is a graduate student at Department of Mathematical Sciences in Tsinghua University. Her research interests include geometric analysis on graph. She will be a counsellor of Class A during the Mathcamp.
Yuehuan Zhou Hainan Normal University
Yuehuan Zhou is a first-year postgraduate student at Hainan Normal University. Her main research interests are Lie theories and their applications. She will work as a Mathcamp counselor.
Zhiling Pi Hainan Normal University
Zhiling Pi, A sophomore majoring in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics at Hainan Normal University, is the counselor of Class A of Summer Camp.
Tangrui Liao Hainan Normal University
Tangrui Liao is a third-year undergraduate from Hainan Normal University. He will work as a Mathcamp counselor.
Yuting Jia Tsinghua University
Yuting Jia is a first-year PhD student at Tsinghua University. Her research interest is stochastic control. She will be a counsellor at the Mathcamp.
Zetao Cheng YMSC, Tsinghua University
Zetao Cheng is a Ph.D. candidate at YMSC, Tsinghua University. His research includes the asymptotic behavior and uniqueness of the nodal solution to the Lane-Emden problem. He will be a counselor at the Mathcamp.
Pingxin Gu Tsinghua University
Pingxin Gu is a graduate student at Tsinghua University. His research field is differential geometry. He will be a counsellor at Mathcamp.