Yau Mathcamp
All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered,
the point is to discover them.
- Galileo.

Yau Mathcamp

Guidelines for research projects and presentations.

An instructor of each course will provide 2-5 research projects for students. A student is encouraged to try out those projects. In a two-day Mathcamp Symposium, a student will be given an opportunity to do a ppt presentation of their findings on 8/19, and for some students, again on 8/20.
1. A student can work on projects alone or up to 3 students in the same course can form a team and collaborate on projects. They can try out projects in different courses initially, but each team should eventually focus on projects in just one course they are taking.
2. Each team should declare the projects they wish to focus on, by 8/7, by informing their TAs of their course.
3. The instructor and TAs of each course shall schedule for each team doing their projects to do a ppt presentation about its research findings, on 8/19. A student may choose not to do a presentation, but should participate in the Symposium.
4. The instructor and TAs of each course shall assess academic work of a student in each team, based on their homework grades, classroom and tutorial participation, and their research presentation of 8/19. The best performing teams of will be invited to do a second ppt presentation on 8/20, to compete for the Yau Mathcamp Best Paper Award. A total of 5 BPA winners will be selected to receive an award of 6000RMB each.
5. Each course shall select its best performing teams as follows. If there are 1-6 teams doing a presentation, the course would send one top team to compete. If there are 7-11 teams, it would send 2 teams. If there are 12-16, it would send 3 teams, and so on.
6. Those best teams from each course shall then be invited to do a second ppt presentation to the whole Mathcamp class on 8/20. In this presentation, a team shall also include a brief explanation of its research projects for the benefit of the whole class.