Yau Mathcamp
All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered,
the point is to discover them.
- Galileo.

Yau Tsinghua Mathcamp

Algebraic Combinatorics I

Instructor: Chenglong Yu (Tsinghua University)

Coaches: Hang Chen and Daniel Hu (胡宇朋)

Location: TBD

Course description: Hyperplane arrangements stand at the nexus of algebra, combinatorics, geometry and topology. The basic examples include cutting a pizza in 2d space or dividing a cake in 3d space. It also has generalization to matroid, a fundamental combinatorial structure that captures the essence of independence and dependence among elements. This course delves into the combinatorial heart of hyperplane arrangements, exploring their connections to enumerative combinatorics, graph theory and group theory. Students will be immersed in the algebraic methods that underpin our understanding of these problems.

HW1, HW2, HW3, Research Projects